Who are we?
Sinthanai Foundation is one man’s vision of bridging the disparity in access to knowledge among the children who lives in different parts of the world, and build an intellectually wealthy society of human beings. In order to achieve this vision, the close friends and families of this visionary joined hands and formed Sinthanai Foundation initally in the United Kingdom. Then Sinthanai Foundation was registered as a not-for-profit orgnisation in Sri Lanka and established it’s free education centre and continues to serve the underprivileged young adults in Sri Lanka.
Aim: Expansion of the mind through access to knowledge.
This aim is to be achieved by way of increasing the thinking ability of the participants by providing and facilitating access to knowledge which is currently deprived of them.
To elaborate on what is said above, we all know life is full of choices. When someone makes a choice that choice then becomes the life of that person. This choice is made in every person’s mind. So in order for a person to make a good choice and have a good life, he or she should have a clear mind, in other words clear positive thinking. And this thinking can only be achieved when the person concerned has a better knowledge of all aspects which happens around the world.
There are lots of organisations and individuals out there helping the unfortunate youngsters around the world. Whilst we greatly appreciate this, we regret to see that these help and projects are mainly restricted to providing the basic needs and basic education. Not many in our understanding help to nurture the youngsters to expand and grow their intellect.
If we take a child from the developed country and compare the knowledge of this child with a same aged child from the third world country, we can see a vast disparity in advancement in the knowledge between them. The children from advanced nations tend to be more intellectually mature and broad minded as opposed to a child from a less advanced nation. This is extremely unfortunate. We believe that all children should have access to all the materials which would bring such knowledge to expand their horizons. This not only would help their mental development and capacity as a person, but will help the society as a whole, as we would have a future society of intellectuals, capable of thinking scientifically and rationally.
Therefore with our projects we intend to educate the youngsters by providing them knowledge and facilitate access to knowledge with guidance to enrich their intellectual capacity.
In today’s world ,science has spread its wings to all corners of the universe conducting experiments and coming out with lots of findings. And these findings are made public knowledge through the media. If we take wild life, astronomy, philosophy, medical or any other scientific programs telecasted on TV of the developed world, we can find an ocean full of information and specialised knowledge. Unfortunately this information is not available to a child growing up in the third world country; especially to those who are under privileged.
Hence we have decided to dedicate our time to those youngsters to provide them with information and specialised knowledge which they are currently deprived of. We believe that by devoting our time to these youngsters we will be able to assist in improving a neglected and impoverished society of people and contribute to the advancement of the society as a whole.